Dr. Michael Kaspar
Date of birth: 04/16/1968
Place of birth: Coburg
September 1987 Surgical Clinic Dr. Rinecker, Munich
until April 1989
April 1990 Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz
October 1990 Technical University of Munich
October 1996 LMU Munich start of practical year
March 1998 Beginning of an internship at the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at the LMU Munich
Sept. 1999 License to practice medicine and continued employment as an assistant doctor in the clinic for anesthesiology at the LMU Munich
January 2003 Acquisition of specialist knowledge and evidence of emergency medicine and subsequent work as an emergency doctor at the ITH Christoph Munich, ITW as well as an emergency doctor vehicle (NAW) and emergency doctor vehicle (NEF) at the Großhadern location
March 2007 Additional qualification in emergency medicine
October 2005 Senior Physician and Head of the Liver Transplant Team at the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at LMU Munich
April 2006 specialist in anesthesiology
March 2007 Completion of the doctoral thesis and doctorate at the LMU Munich, title: “IEV (Ifosfamid / Epirubicin / Vepesid) followed by G-CSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor) for mobilizing peripheral stem cells in lymphoma and myeloma patients. Effectiveness in tumor reduction and clinical factors that influence mobilization. ”
March 2008 Disaster control officer at the Clinic for Anesthesiology at the LMU Munich
Sept. 2010 Senior Physician in charge of the external area at the Großhadern location
June 2012 Internal quality management auditor training
Sept. 2013 Site manager emergency doctor at the Großhadern campus and organization of the ITW Munich Großhadern
March 2014 Appointment as chief emergency doctor for the city of Munich
Sept. 2014 group spokesman for the emergency doctors at the Großhadern location
July 2015 change to the anesthesiological group practice Dr. J. del Valle, Dr. W. Hattensperger, Dr. C. Schmitt-Hausser, Nymphenburger Str. 1, 80335 Munich as a security assistant
January 2016 Takeover of the KV headquarters from Dr. W. Hattensperger, Nymphenburger Str. 1, 80335 Munich